
USD Index (DXY) – Bullish Scenario – Recovery Minute Cycle

Wall Street Bull

Minute Wave W (red) has almost come to an end, formed out of Complex Structures.
Minuette Waves a, b & c (black) also posed Complex Formations.
Subminuette Wave c (red) is almost complete with the final 5th Submicro Impulsive Wave ending towards the 161.8% & 100% Fibonacci Extensions.
Bearish Volumes are confirming a very possible Bullish Divergence which would trigger the Recovery Minute Wave X and cause a Channel Beach towards the up-side. Good to look for a Flag after the breach.
Levels to watch: 99 & 97.90

1 Comment

  • admin
    (March 10, 2017)

    Targets Reached.

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