
Richard’s BIO

Richard-Market-Analyst-Elliott-Wave“Ahoy my fellow trader!

Seems to me like you hit the bulls-eye and landed on the right spot. Welcome to our Shield! I’m sure you will find the necessary tools for your trading enhancements. We all matter here and we take care of our own.

Just like you, when I first hatched years ago, I started exploring the charts and tried to use successfully many different types of strategies which did not work. Yeah, we all need to drive on that bumpy road at first and find out the hard way.

I’ve been in the industry for years and throughout this journey I’ve dealt with several brokers, either working or trading with them. Some were good to work with and some were not so good, but I suppose you know already that in this industry it’s very hard to find a trustworthy source or someone that is not after your money but after you as an individual.

As an entrepreneur, trader and investment mentor, I have helped my portfolio to find growth, financial and personal, without any conflict of interest. You’re probably wondering how I did that. Well, it’s all about trust and having a common goal. I believe in quality over quantity and I always try to over-deliver. Yes, unlike those terrible sales calls that you might be receiving as a trader, I do commit to my traders/investors.

There’s a lot to say and I could go on a rampage here on why I matter, but instead I will only say this to you: the proof is within my actions. Promises and words don’t count that much, it’s the actions that define someone.

Every trader is different in his trading style and has his own set-ups. When it comes to my trading insights and how I analyze the Markets, well, I am focusing on both Fundamental and Technical Analysis. My strength is within the Technical side and I chose to focus on the things that really work for me.

The strategy that I am using is a bit complex/advanced but reliable. I am using mostly Leading Analysis, on Elliott Waves Cycles whether it’s a Bullish or Bearish one and I am combining it with Divergences, those differences in the Price Action which are linking my waves count, but also spicing things up with Consolidation Areas/Vibration Levels, Fibonacci Lines for waves mathematical measurements and Structured Patterns.

These are the 5 main tools in my trading arsenal but of course as any good trader, I am also keeping in mind some other essential tools such as Candlestick Formations, Flag Formations or Channeling Breakouts.

On the Fundamental side, I am keeping my eyes on Major Banks and Interest Rates decisions, Market Sentiment and also Economic Indicators.

As you can see, I’ve been around the block and it’s not a matter of if we are going to have a good trading relationship together, but only a matter of when and how.

As I like to say to all my traders, stay in the green and many pips ahead!


Richard is always open to discussions and willing to help out, why not book a call or schedule a Private Session?

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Richard’s Trading Skills

* In the lines below, Richard is taking one asset and treats it as an example.
The symbol picked for this self-review is DAX30 (GER30), the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Greetings traders!

Allow me to properly introduce myself!

My name is Richard and I am self taught trader, heading for the top.

I have been working hard to predict big swings on GER30 (DAX / GRXEUR).

This article is just an example on what I’m capable of.

My analysis is spot on most of the times. I get off track sometimes but I always manage to grab the Market’s pulse when a shift occurs.

The interactive charts below are taken from my Trading View profile, which I am using for my charting, and for providing my subscribers and traders with my views.
There is no funny-business going on, it’s how the Market performed after my articles were posted. The PLAY button simply loads the new bars from the time of the post.

I called all the tops and bottoms. Here’s some of my previous work:
(just hit the PLAY button and see how my views unfolded)

May 12 2017: I called the 1000 points drop on DAX

July 26 2017: I called the 1700 points rise on DAX

October 18 2017: I called the start of the BIG Market Contraction on DAX

January 9 2018: I called the 1700 points drop on DAX

(this a screen-shot, trade was shared with LEWA Members in the Green Room)

March 2 2018: I called the 1350 points rise on DAX.

June 12 2018: I called the 950 points drop on DAX.

August 6 2018: I called the big drop which started and is still developing.

The Bearish Corrective Cycle has not finished yet, more down-side to come.

Cycle Wave V (green) would follow and the bull Market would resume for the last time.

After the Super-Cycle (black) sequence will finish, so will the Grand Super-Cycle reach its top.

Market Crash will be epic.

You don’t know me yet, but I will be a legend!

* Markets I am focusing on:

  • METALS: XAU/USD (Gold) / XAG/USD (Silver)

* If you wish to work with me, please visit the Services section and look into the available Memberships.
Services I am offering: Elliott Wave Analysis (articles and views) / Signals & Orders with Entry – SL – TP / Trading CourseAdvanced Sessions / Private Sessions / Trading Assistance / Trading Room

Thank you for your interest.

Many pips ahead!

*Posted in September 2018.

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Comments ( 2 )

  • admin
    (February 27, 2019)

    DAX30 – Analysis Continuation

    Ever since the beginning of September 2018 I’ve been closely watching GER30 so that I would get realistic details on the next crucial trends.
    I was right, there was significant down-side in the menu for this European Index.

    September 26 2018: I called the 1400 points drop on DAX.

    By the end of “Red October” in 2018, once the corrections began, I was noticing the possibility of the sell-off continuing.
    And so it did!

    You can notice of course that I was expecting the sell-off to end around the 10250.00 levels.
    Once again, I nailed it!

    October 30 2018: I called the 1500 points drop on DAX.

    Dax30 started moving on the up-side in what appears to be a promising journey.
    However, it has to prove itself worthy of reentering the bullish cycle.

    That is why I am patiently waiting for the next best interpretation in order to clarify the following question:

    “Is GER30 resuming the bull market or is this a bull trap?”

    One way or another I will be ready, as I was before, multiple times.

    Will you be ready as well?
    Join me and trade like a champion!

  • admin
    (January 7, 2020)

    DAX30 – Analysis Continuation (part 2)

    After successfully tracking the bullish reversal and the return of the bull-market, I was also able to foresee the correction, then the continuation.

    May 2019: I called the 1000 points bearish correction on DAX.

    In the same time, I also called the 2000+ points bullish Rally.

    On a larger scale, I am looking at the last bullish sequence before the Market Crash.

    “Are we going for a break-out and a Bullish Rally on DAX?
    Or are we going for a BIG dip?

    Join my sessions and together we will know.

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